The Transit Police Policies and Procedures Manual available to the general public via this website does NOT represent the entire Policies and Procedures Manual, as a limited number of sections have been vetted to ensure confidentiality regarding specific operational deployment strategies and investigative techniques.
The Policies and Procedures Manual available online is current as of February 19, 2025. Legislative changes, court decisions and internal reviews may result in regular amendments to the manual. If you would like to inquire about the current status of a particular section, please contact us.
The Transit Police Policies and Procedure Manual is divided into two chapters: Administration and Operational. Visit the Administration Chapter and the Operational Chapter document libraries to view these documents. Please be aware that some information has been withheld under s. 15(1) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The Transit Police Policies and Procedures Manual available to the general public via this website does NOT represent the entire Policies and Procedures Manual, as a limited number of sections have been vetted to ensure confidentiality regarding specific operational deployment strategies and investigative techniques.
The Policies and Procedures Manual available online is current as of June 21, 2013. Legislative changes, court decisions and internal reviews may result in regular amendments to the manual. If you would like to inquire about the current status of a particular section, please contact us.
OA010 Crowd Management, Demonstrations and Disturbances (TP2023-08-24)
OA020 Hostages and Barricaded Persons (TP2024-02-09 Redacted)
OD050 Confidential Informants - Withheld under S. 15(1) of FOIPPA
OD160 Vulnerable Groups – Violence in Relationships (TP2017-11-17) Redacted
OD240 Suspect Interviewing-Patrol Based Investigations (TP20170421 Redacted)
OD300 Seizure of Camera Equipment Images at Crime Scenes (TP110526)
OD340 Incident Video – Respondents and Witnesses (TP20160930)
OO050 Radio Response Codes - Withheld under S. 15(1) of FOIPPA
A memorandum to establish operational and procedural protocols between SCBCTAPS (Transit Police) and Jurisdictional Police with respect to policing and law enforcement within the Transportation Service Region.
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