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Reducing Sexual Offences

If you witness or experience any type of sexual assault or harassment, unwanted touching or gestures, please report it.

Text the Metro Vancouver Transit Police at 87-77-77 or contact us at 604.515.8300.

For anonymous reporting, call Crime Stoppers at 1.800.222.8477.

Everyone has the right to feel safe on public transit

More than half of Canadian women over the age of 16 report having some form of unwanted sexual contact. However, only 10 percent of victims ever report incidents of unwanted sexual attention. Too often, mass transit systems provide busy and crowded environments that offenders use to find potential victims.

Metro Vancouver Transit Police is committed to preventing these types of crimes by raising awareness, fostering stronger partnerships and through the careful management of repeat offenders.

In 2020, Metro Vancouver Transit Police entered into an exciting partnership with grade 12 students from Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School for our next anti-sex offence campaign. The objective is to bring awareness around sexual offending on public transit and to encourage victims and witnesses to report such incidents.

The purpose of the campaigns are to educate the public and put offenders on notice that sexual offending on transit will not be tolerated. One of the critical components of each campaign is highlighting our text reporting service and encouraging witnesses and victims to discreetly text Transit Police in real-time at 87-77-77 when an incident occurs. Read the Media Release


Awareness campaigns are only successful when they involve strong professional and community partnerships. In addition to TransLink, which has been extremely generous in their commitment to ad space on the system, we are fortunate to have a number of such partners involved in our current anti-sex offence campaign:

Transit Police also works in collaboration with the Chief’s Community Council (CCC) advisory group to increase the effectiveness of public awareness campaigns. Our specially trained officers deliver education and awareness programs to groups within the transit community. Find out more about Transit Police Community Outreach. These partnerships play a role in helping us to identify and reach vulnerable people groups with the goal of encouraging reporting.


Providing presentations to vulnerable persons such as students and new Canadians, we focus on reducing victimization by raising awareness and building relationships that enhance reporting. Transit Police is committed to taking every incident of unwanted sexual behaviour very seriously and investigating all reports thoroughly.

Text 87-77-77 or call 604-515-8300 to discreetly report non-emergency issues. Should you or anyone else feel threatened always call 911. Find out more about how to report a non-emergency issue to Transit Police.

Managing repeat offenders

Transit Police has an established offender management program. Each offender identified by the program is closely monitored for compliance with release conditions and subjected to regular review in order to reduce the chances of re-offending. Some offenders may not be prolific in any one city, but are shown to be prolific when examined in relation to transit, as they commit their offences throughout the region. Read more about the General Investigation Unit who manages this program.

Video: Do you know what happens when you send Transit Police a text message?

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