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Contact Us

Report a crime or incident to Metro Vancouver Transit Police

If you have an emergency, call 911.

If there is an immediate threat to your safety or the safety of someone else, or if there is a crime in progress, always call 911.

For an immediate response to a non-emergency police issue on transit, call 604.515.8300 or discreetly text 87.77.77

Media Inquires

If you are a member of the media and would like to contact our Media Relations Officer, please call 778.773.0035 or email mediarelations@transitpolice.bc.ca

Compliments and Complaints

If you have a compliment or complaint about a transit employee such as a Bus Operator, SkyTrain Attendant or Transit Security officer, (ie: not a police officer) please contact TransLink.

Transit Police officers are held to a high standard of conduct. For compliments, please contact us by phone or text, or fill out the form below. If you have a complaint about a Transit Police officer, contact our Professional Standards Unit.

Information Access and Privacy

General Inquiries or feedback

For general inquiries or to offer feedback, including any issues you may have experienced using this website, call Transit Police headquarters at 604.515.8300 or use the form below. Please note that our online form may not be processed for up to 10 business days. To report a crime or for immediate assistance, please call or text us.

Transit Police Headquarters

300 – 287 Nelson’s Court
New Westminster, BC
V3L 0E7
T: 604.515.8300
F: 604.515.8301

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