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Transit Police taking steps to address Metro Vancouver gang violence

Metro Vancouver Transit Police, alongside all other police agencies in the Lower Mainland, is working in partnership with the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit BC to end the recent gang violence that has gripped Metro Vancouver. A transit system that covers over 1800km2 means that our resources need to be deployed strategically to ensure that […]

Asian Heritage Month at Transit Police

The month of May has been Asian Heritage Month in Canada. This year, it took on an extra meaning for us as a police department tasked with keeping people on transit safe in the midst of fears at rising anti-Asian sentiments. Everyone deserves to ride on transit feeling safe and, sadly, that hasn’t been the […]

Joint statement from Lower Mainland police Chiefs and Commanders

Police in British Columbia share the concerns that the public have as a result of recent gang-related violence in communities across the Lower Mainland.  Senior police leaders in British Columbia met yesterday with Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth to discuss the current gang landscape and share their collective and unified strategies. […]

Constable Bruce Shipley ensures that vulnerable people on transit stay safe

Helping vulnerable people in crisis is a Metro Vancouver Transit Police priority*, and Constable Bruce Shipley plays a key role in helping us deliver on this commitment. In his role as Homeless Outreach Officer, Cst. Shipley works to ensure that people who are homeless remain safe while they’re on transit. “Experiencing homelessness is not a […]

Community Policing Centre opens at Waterfront

On Tuesday, February 2, Metro Vancouver Transit Police will open its first Community Policing Centre (CPC), at Waterfront Station. Staffed by volunteers, the CPC will work in partnership with Transit Police, Vancouver Police, and TransLink frontline staff to help ensure safety in and around Waterfront Station, and the surrounding neighbourhood. The CPC will be based […]

Movember at Metro Vancouver Transit Police

Led by Transit Police dog Strider, members of the Metro Vancouver Transit Police are growing facial hair this month for Movember, a charity that supports men’s health. As a Deutsch Drahthaar, the first of his breed to be working for a Canadian police agency, Strider has an enviable mustache that has set a high bar […]

Photo of Constable Gwen Ranquist

Constable Gwen Ranquist helps vulnerable people use transit safely

Helping vulnerable people in crisis is a Metro Vancouver Transit Police priority*, and Constable Gwen Ranquist plays a key role in helping us deliver on this commitment. As our department’s Client Services Officer, she works to ensure that transit passengers who are affected by mental health challenges receive the support they need to use transit […]

Meet the MVTP Community Engagement Team

Community policing is at the heart of everything we do at Metro Vancouver Transit Police (MVTP). Our approach is exemplified by the Community Engagement Team (CET). Each member of the team has a unique combination of skills and life experience that allow them to connect with the communities they serve. Last week, the CET welcomed […]

Unveiling the MVTP Indigenous Art Piece

We are proud to unveil the Metro Vancouver Transit Police (MVTP) original Indigenous Art Piece that was created for our department by First Nations artist Christine Mackenzie. The artwork was commissioned by MVTP Chief Dave Jones as a visual representation of our commitment to strengthening relationships with Indigenous communities. The original art piece will be […]

Top 5 transit safety tips for students

While many middle school, secondary school and post secondary schools have moved to provide classes online this year, many students will still need to take transit to school for at least a portion of their learning. If you’re heading off to school on transit by yourself for the first time– or you have a child […]

Masks are no longer mandatory on transit

Update: March 11, 2022 The Provincial Health Officer has ended the mandatory mask order for indoor public places, including on transit, as of 12:01am this morning. As a result, face coverings are no longer required on transit and there will be no mask enforcement by Transit Police. Read the TransLink media release for details. Update: […]

High school students take the lead on new MVTP anti sex assault campaign

A little over a year ago, a group of students at Vancouver’s Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School compared their individual experiences on transit and realized that sexual assault on transit was a very real problem for young people. “Myself and a few of my peers came to this realization when discussing our own personal experiences […]

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