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Police Board

Composition and Mandate

The Transit Police Board is provincially appointed with its mandate and authority set out by legislation. Responsibilities of the board include:

  • Appointing of designated constables to Transit Police

  • Establishing goals and priorities

  • Establishing the rules respecting: standards, guidelines and policies for the administration of Transit Police; the prevention of neglect and abuse by Transit Police officers; the efficient discharge of duties and functions by the police service and its officers

  • Ensuring that Transit Police is carrying out its responsibilities in accordance with the Police Act, regulations and Minister’s orders; and

  • Acting as the Discipline Authority for complaints concerning the Chief Officer and the Deputy Chief Officers

For more information on the roles and responsibilities, governance structure and mandate of the Transit Police Board, please refer to the Board Governance Manual.

The Transit Police board members sit at the head table in room. An audience of members of the public face them. Conversation is ongoing.

Commitment to Strengthen Support to Indigenous Peoples

The Transit Police Board is committed to working towards reconciliation, building trust, and promoting better relationships and engagement between Indigenous communities and the police. Please click here for more information about the Transit Police Board’s commitment.

Applying to Speak at a Transit Police Board Meeting

Please fill in the form below if you wish to speak to the Transit Police Board. Your name, affiliation and the topic you wish to speak to will form part of the public meeting agenda and will be provided to the Transit Police Board at the beginning of the meeting and to the media upon request.

The Board Secretary will contact the requester no later than one business day prior to the meeting to advise if the requester has been added to the list of speakers. If you have any questions, contact the Police Board Secretary at 604.515.8300.

The following form must be submitted by no later than 8 a.m., two business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Personal information collected on this form will be used to process your application to make a presentation to the Transit Police Board and to follow up with you should there be any changes.

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