May 30, 2016

Transit Police Select New Chief Officer

New Westminster – The Board of the Transit Police announced today that, after interviewing a number of excellent candidates, they have selected a new Chief Officer. He is 35-year police veteran and leader Doug LePard who will depart as Deputy Chief from the Vancouver Police Department after an exemplary career.

Doug LePard brings to the Transit Police a wealth of policing experience, knowledge of Metro Vancouver and an intimate understanding of Transit Police through his time as member of the Transit Police Board.

“We are confident that Chief Officer LePard will build on the progress Transit Police have achieved in maintaining a safe and secure transit system. In Doug, we have a leader who can run a first class police service and pave the way for new opportunities to ensure that Transit Police demonstrate excellence and the highest level of conduct and performance”, Police Board Chair Mark Reder said.

“We’re proud of the work Transit Police does to ensure the safety of our customers, employees and the communities we serve,” said TransLink Acting Chief Executive Officer Cathy McLay. “We look forward to working with Chief Officer LePard as Transit Police enters its second decade. His experience and leadership will be a great benefit to the service, the first and only police service of its kind in Canada.”

“I am proud of my 35-year career in the VPD, where I leave many valued friends and colleagues,” said Doug LePard. “I feel extremely privileged to have been selected as the new Chief Officer of the Transit Police, and to continue the superb work done by former Chief Officer Dubord and Acting Chief Kross. I am excited about this opportunity to bring all that I have learned about leadership in policing to a young and evolving police agency, and together with Translink provide safety to all those who use the transit system.”

Doug LePard has been a member of the Vancouver Police Department since 1981. He most recently commanded the Investigation Division, where he has worked at four different ranks in multiple assignments, including working in an undercover unit, and as a serious crimes detective and sergeant in several areas. He previously commanded the Operations Division for several years. He holds a B.A. in Criminology from Simon Fraser University and certificates from Queen’s University and Harvard.

He has received many commendations and awards, including an Attorney General’s award for service to victims, and an award from the Ending the Violence Association of BC “For Outstanding Contributions Towards Ending Violence Against Women in BC.” In 2012 he was invested as an Officer of the Order of Merit for the Police Forces by the Governor General of Canada, and in 2013 he was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal.

A start date for the new Chief is yet to be set, but will be announced in the near future.

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