
Victim Resources

Dedicated to Improving our Services

We are dedicated to improving the services we provide to victims and witnesses of crime.

If you have experienced something on transit that made you feel unsafe, been victim of a crime, or experienced any other incident of concern or disorder, Transit Police is here to help you.

Once you have reported an incident, not only will we investigate it, we will put you in touch with support services.

What we promise

  • We will treat you with respect

  • We respect your privacy rights

  • We remain committed to investigating each incident fully

Once you make a report, the information is carefully reviewed and entered into police databases. Our officer(s) will then conduct a thorough investigation. In some cases, more evidence will be collected before we contact you directly.

Safe from harassment

You have the right to feel free from harassment including unwanted sexual behaviour. We are committed to taking seriously every reported incident of sexual behaviour that makes someone feel harassed, embarrassed, or frightened.

Transit Police officers are trained to deal with all types of crimes including sexual offences. You will not be alone if you choose to report it. We recognize that reporting a sexual offence can be difficult. No incident of unwanted sexual behaviour is too small to report. A Transit Police officer will meet with you on your terms and at a location where you feel comfortable. If you would prefer, you can meet with a plain-clothes officer.

Sadly, offenders may repeat their behaviour. Reporting crimes like this could potentially stop others from becoming victims too. Did you know that most of the transit network is covered by video surveillance? Transit Police has access to this footage if they need to investigate a reported crime. This camera footage is useful for us and often helps lead to an arrest.

Image of Transit Police Officer Talking to a Young Woman

Violence in relationships

Similarly to the under-reporting of sexual offending, Transit Police officers are very aware that violence between partners may go unreported many times before it comes to the notice of police. We know it takes courage to report these crimes whether you are a victim or a witness. We take violence in relationships very seriously. The provincial government provides guidelines for crown prosecutors, corrections, the police, and other justice system workers when dealing with violence in relationships.

Transit Police officers will listen and ensure that all reports are investigated. They will provide victims information about their rights, including the right to be kept informed about the status of the police investigation.

Getting emotional help

We will refer every victim and witness who requires emotional support to one of our victim assistance partners. When a victim assistance worker meets with you, you can choose to have a police officer present or meet them on your own or with a support person.

The victim assistance worker will have answers for you about the criminal justice system. If needed, they can also contact the police for you to inquire about the status of the investigation. At any time, you can contact Transit Police to inquire about the status of the file or ask for the victim assistance worker to revisit you.

We will help you in partnership with a victim assistance program that will provide emotional support, information and assistance. The goals of these programs are to:

1. Provide emotional support and referrals to victims of crime
2. Provide information about the criminal justice system, relevant laws, and programs related to crime prevention
3. Involve crime victims in the process to ensure that they remain informed about the status of their case and the submission of reports to Crown Counsel

Resources for Teens

NeedHelpNow.ca is a website which offers advice for:

  • removing a sexual picture/video from the internet

  • dealing with cyberbullying and dealing with peers

  • obtain support for how to talk to and help a youth in crisis

  • helping a friend that you are worried about


An officer on scene will normally refer you to victim services, but you can also self-refer. The services will come from the victim support agency of the city where the incident occurred. If you are uncertain which agency to contact, contact the provincial service – VictimLink BC.

New Westminster
Port Moody

If you need help accessing these services, please call Transit Police at 604-515-8300 and we will assist you.

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